Friday, January 30, 2009


I am stuck in the 1800's!!!!

I have had no power since Tuesday night. It's been insane! IF I PLAY ANY MORE RUMMY I AM GOING TO THROW THE CARDS IN THE FU**N FIREPLACE! My work finally has power, that is where i am now. If i can block out the chaos it's kinda nice to have lights, electricity, WATER.

The last time me and Ty got brave enough to measure the ice we had an inch and a half. Of ice. On the trees. Like 2 and a half inches on the ground. I hardly have any trees left. Only stubble. It looks like a tornado went through. There isn't one freakin road you go down without a pole down somewhere.

I do have a fireplace. So we have a small source of heat which is better then most. I have been grilling food on the BBQ grill. Tab got brave and went to wal mart (on generators) to get some more meat. I can grill anything! Last night we had garlic potatoes, corn and a HUGE hamburger. I also have an awesome hot dog cooker that you hold over the fire.

Everywhere is out of gas. CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS!

But as soon as i get some electricity maybe i can figure out how to put some pics on here.

Wish me luck!

Friday, January 23, 2009

I want to smoke

This whole, "program" thing really is making me want to smoke ciggs. I don't know why. I'm thinking because when I'm bored I eat or drink. Now I can't do either so I'm kind of stuck in between a rock and a hard place. I can't smoke cause I will get sick.

Kentucky wants to ban smoking completely. I think that's insane. Kentucky is where a lot of tobacco comes from. I personally believe that it's a personal choice. I think that it should be up to the owner of the business to decide it they want there facility to be smoking or non-smoking. They pay the bills. They lose customer's. They have to clean up the smoke stains. They being the owners. Why is the government trying to take control?

That's really all I have to say right now. I think I'm going to go smoke.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tyler's Birthday over

It's over! Another year come and gone. Tyler really racked up. I remember when i had birthday parties i always got gifts. Now a days people put money in a card. It's hard to buy something for a kid because kids have everything they want.
He ended up with over $300. More then what i have right now!

He got a new cell phone from us. And a game.

It was fun, we had bowling Sat. afternoon. Then the small crowd that came home with us went to the movies. We saw MALL COP, their coice. Then Rock Band all night wich i got in on that action. No one can beat me at ANYTHING....of course. Even singing.
My brother tried and tried and never could.

We took my brother home Monday afternoon, I was off work, then Me, Tabatha, and Tyler got home a little after 2 and we all laid out. Me on the couch, tab in the recliner and Tyler on his bed. We didn't do ANYTHING the rest of the day!

But Tyler had fun and Tab stayed happy and I stayed calm so it was a great party!

week 3

Only lost .6 pounds this week.
I was really bad. With all the 11 to 13 year old "partying" all weekend. I HAD to have a drink. It felt WONDERFUL. Then i had at least 2 pieces of pizza, 1 cupcake, 1 piece of cheese cake. 1 corn dog. And plenty of "BLT's" (bite, lick and taste) to go WAY over my points for the week.

But hey i still lost some.

So this week I'm turning up the heat. We finally found a WI FIT so I have been excersicing with it and hopefully that will boost me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Tyler's Birthday

Tyler is turning 11 Sunday. GOODNESS GRIEF! But so far i say that we've done an excellent job. He is really coming along on the drums. He plays different sports. Me and him are busting ass on keeping his Math grade up. He needs help on English but i think that's harder on me then him. And he is polite to people, and tries to help. And apparently is very popular with the ladies which i'm ready for there ass, i ain't scared to smack a girl! But he is a clean boy and takes care of his self. That's a very good thing.

This year he wants to play Tennis. Which is interesting, so Santa brought all of us Tennis Rackets. We always share his interests and try it out with him. And golf, which that's a me and him thing.
He is having a bowling party Saturday and no telling how many people spending the night. On top of my brother. I love my bubby. He calls me Sissy, he didn't know my name for like ever, he has always called me Sissy. EMBARRASSES THE HELL OUT OF ME! Tab thinks it's hilarious.

So I feel old and Tab feels older, cause she is.

I hope that this year he continues to grow into a Young Man the way he is now. Hopefully he'll be like me and be friends with EVERYONE no matter which "click" there in. And be like his mom and be innocent. And find his self and who he wants to be.
We better get ready, for black hair, and all the new little stages he's going to go through. I think it's going to be fun! Unless he does drugs, then I'm screwed cause i still haven't figured that one out on how to handle it. I don't like hypocrites and if i get on to him for that i will become what i hate.



1. L Word, finale season,:(
2. House starts this week or next.
3. Bones starts this week or next. One or the other.
4. America's best DANCE CREW! (even though they sure do talk a lot)
Why can't they just dance?? No talking, just dance throw up score cards then moving along...



I love it when i can watch Hell's Kitchen AND Top Chef! Makes me happy. I should have been a professional chef. Or a meteorologist, or maybe both!

I could give a weather forecast while cooking. IT'S POSSIBLE. Then be a comedian on the side.

Yes there is what should have been!!

American Idol's on too, but i like watching the auditions then after they do the group thing i don't watch it really until it's like the end.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

School Test

Interesting thing.
I was helping Tyler study for his Science Test last night and what he was learning was kinda neat! He was learning about how new Technology in cars was helpful, rubber tires, airbags, seat belts, and hurtful, pollution, traffic jams, faster more wrecks.
There is a question about WWW and what it means...World Wide Web.
It was like all the things that were big when i was little is now in science books.

This could be a good or bad thing.
Good in that at least schools are trying to keep up with the times.
Bad because kids won't have time to learn about the past and that's just as important.

Selfish reason.........WOW I'M GETTING OLD!

It's a big eye opener when I grew up to the stuff in his science book.

One question was "The invention of the CD led to the invention of the _____________?
The answer is DVD.

I wish i had THAT question on my tests!

Week 2

I lost 3 more pounds. So that's a total of 6.8 pounds.

Still not really craving anything so far. I was craving Mac N Cheese. But instead of depriving myself, which your not suppose to do, I fixed it, I had 1/2 cup and what Tyler didn't eat I threw away.

It hasn't been hard at all.

I am kind of wanting a drink pretty bad. I think I may have to break down and buy a SMALL bottle of whiskey and drink it with Coke Zero or diet..ugg...something.

More later......

Monday, January 12, 2009

Small Step Forward

My girlfriend took an interesting small step in being "out" in public this weekend. I wanted to browse Barnes and Noble, and we were browsing and we found the gay and lesbian section. And she actually STOOD THERE while i thumbed through books. Then i started reading lesbian erotica, and OMG! I started reading some of it out loud to her and she didn't smack me! Then I got embarrassed cause....DAMN! lol. That crap is crazy! Then I caught her looking at all the box sets of L Word, in the wide open space, seeing if we've missed one. Then actually said "I'm seeing if we missed any" OUT LOUD! I WAS ABOUT 10 FEET AWAY! Now to most people this seems funny that i would be so excited about this but believe me, HUGE, HUGE step to me being free. And for Her to not be ashamed of who she is!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

bored, 5 things bout me!

It's Saturday night and i am really bored! I would normally be drinking but that's to many "points". I haven't had whiskey since New Years Eve! WOW! NEW WORLD RECORD!!
In 10 days i have only had 2 glasses of wine and 1 little margarita. I am home alone, so i feel asleep for like 3 hours then woke up, watched Dark Knight, caught up on some You Tube video's, I have been a horrible friend and not completely watching all of them but I have now and will again. I have been to dang busy to breathe.

Dark Knight. Not as good as i thought. To long, Heath was EXCELLENT! BATMAN SUCKED!
2-face was gross!

I figure that i am now the owner of 2 more cats. And older one and a kitten. This lady that moved across the street was suppose to take them but....she's gone and they're still here. I am such a SUCKER for animals without a home. I have only got one medicine because she had a cold. The last stray i took to the vet cost $150 to get it fixed but I found it a home. These 2 I guess are my outside cats. I don't really like cats. Not so much a cat lover. And since I lost my dog not really wanting one of those either.

Maybe i should talk about me.....

5 Things to know about me........

1. I'm defiantly gay, would love to be out of the closet to everyone but for reasons of another i can't.
2. I am a weather FREAK! I LOVE the weather. I watch the weather channel religiously. My family will call me to see what the weather is doing.
3. I love to cook. I would love to be on Top Chef one day! or Hells Kitchen!
4. I can say this because i have been told, i am a very nice person. I help everyone I can and 90% of the time it bites me in the ass!
5. I am very independent. I have really never depended on anyone. But in the same sentence i will never sleep alone. I have a fear of being alone.

5 Silly things i enjoy..
1. I love putting together LEGO's. I love LEGO's! LOVE LEGO's!
2. I love singing and dancing naked in my house when no-ones home.(for obvious reasons)
3. I love having comedy shows when i am in the shower. (Yeah i do)
4. I love when i am under water, it feels almost like i am stuck in between 2 dementions. And even with a touch of asthma my record is 2 minutes 14 seconds under water. The most peaceful 2 min and 14 sec. of my life.
5. I love watching the clouds when a storm is coming, during and after a storm has passed.

5 Things I can't live without....
1. Obviously food, water and the usually things of survival.
2. My family! Including all pets. ( even though the pet thing, I'm still here but there hasn't been a day go by when i haven't wanted Molly.)
3. Music, I don't know what i would do if that got taken away.
4. The ability to take care of myself.
5. My voice, I have to be heard! Sometimes i am weird, freakish, and dorkish but my words are funny, and true.

5. Things I dislike...

1. Liars, I HATE LIARS!
2. Not being in some sort of control over me.
3. My body, I use to be soooo damn HOT! I would have done me. But even then i didn't like myself. But I am going to get back there!
4. My carpet. I don't like my carpet but being the "hang out" for the neighbor hood children, boys, no need in getting new carpet.
5. Not having a lot of friends like I use to.

Enough about me. More later.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week one

I lost 3.8 pounds.
The other people that started with me and came back lost 5 pounds. But the whole binge drinking and chicken nachos probably didn't help. Tab lost 2.3 or something like that. She's copying off my books. If we lose 2 pounds a week until June we will drop 60 pounds. So that is my goal. I am basically suppose to be a vegetarian. Only 2 lean proteins a day. I can eat beans. But meat, I can only eat a serving as big as a deck of cards. And i tell you my mind feels like it did when i did Atkins. Sometimes I just don't feel like me but hopefully i will get adjusted.

This week we are "KISSing" Keep It Simple & Sustainable. kiss
I think that is cute.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Finger nail polish

Okay, me and tab were catching up on season 3 of the L Word last night and something caught my attention. She was painting her nails and when she shook the polish it didn't make a noise. Which to me is odd because when i paint my toe-nails or fingernails (rarely) i always hear the clicking sound. I like the clicking sound. So then i was wondering....what is the point of the little balls in the bottle? I guess it's for mixing the color better but if you shake it hard enough it shouldn't matter. I wonder if it's only a certain type of polish. I always used crazy colors, never dull. So i wonder if it has to do with the color? I don't know something useless that just made me think... but not for to long L Word was on.

Also if you are in the LGBT community the L Word is a really good series I think. I like it a lot. More for the women. It's mostly about bi and lesbian women.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I am going to the dentist in a little bit. Just trying to kill time. I have accomplished all that i can in one day. So I am trying to waste time until 2:30.

Here's a thought. How come every shopping cart i get is messed up? Every one. You can always hear me coming down the aisle's at Wally World. If you're ever in the area and you hear a loud cart, it's probably me. But really it could be the other unlucky soul that gets it as well. I wonder if there are like 4 or 5 of us that get that same damn cart? I should put like a sign out sheet on it so people can sign there names and we could all see if there was some sort of strange pattern of us getting the same annoying cart. Interesting thought. That would be kind of neat.

Weight Watchers

I have finally figured everything out on this deal.
It's fairly easy. If you put good food in your body, your body separates it to send things where it needs to go. If you put fatty foods, high calorie foods in your body, your body freaks out, doesn't know what to do with it so it stores it making you fat. So. In a nut shell depending on how tall you are and how much you weigh you get a set amount of points.
Mine is 34.
Every food has some sort of points. Which if you eat the "healthy ones" the points are low...ect.
34 is actually eating more then i have pretty much my whole life. I have to eat breakfast. If i don't i get no where near my points! My lazy self doesn't get up in time to eat breakfast. I like to sleep. I like to sleep because i could stay up all night with no problems. So i don't get to bed till usually 11:30, 12 and then i have to get up early. I get up at 6:30, throw my clothes on, hair back, brush my teeth and i am RUNNING out the door to get to work at 7. So I'm going to have to work on that one.
NE WAY.....
I weigh in every Tuesday so maybe every Tuesday I can blog and that way i can look back in a few months and be like WOW.....or bitches ripped me off.

Only time will tell.

Hang over, OVER! Sorry Weight Watchers

I finally got rid of my hang over. Saturday. Night. After a plate of CHICKEN NACHOS!

My hangover remedy: (weight watchers unapproved)
1 bottle blue power aide
3 Excedrin
1 order of super cheesy,greasy chicken nachos with lettuce,olives, and sour cream!

Ummmm I think the nachos.......maybe 15 points??

I still lost weight. Could have been the fact i couldn't eat anything Thursday, or Friday without fear of losing my stomach.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I am dumber now

Just wanted to say Happy New Year! I don't think I will ever drink again! I drank SOOOO much, i thought it was just a 5th of whiskey, yes the whole bottle but nope, it was more then that. Some "NASTY" Asti, some Margarita. I am still hung over! I was texting people and since my phone doesn't save sent messages only recieved ones i must have been hillarious to some people, other's... not so much. OOPS. But I really think that i have damaged my brain. I am dumber now. I have lost a lot of information about work. Everything that i have to know i have not known today. It's gone. Shit.
But i am starting off the new year dumber, but wiser. I was even single for a whole 10 minutes of the new year. That was scary. We're not starting the count over, she's a horrible drunk person. Tab has a drunk twin.
But i learned to not get attached to people, don't get attached to animals. AND MOST IMPORTANT...DO GET ATTACHED TO YOUR WALLET!