Saturday, October 18, 2008


This was posted in our local newspaper yesterday. The Standard Democrat. It just confirms to me more why i want to get the hell out of here. I wish i had a million friends to tie up the phone line to speakout and just give it hell but i am writing something now but i highly doubt they post it! I am trying to find the begining of this discussion.

SpeakOut 10-17
Friday, October 17, 2008
Call 471-6636

Gay is not the way
If the man in SpeakOut who said he was gay and thinks he was born that way, why did God destroy Soddom and Gomorrah - because that's where all the gays lived.

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This is in response to the Gay by nature comment on Oct. 6. I'd just like to say to the person that is gay, is a professional person and a resident of Sikeston, like somehow this gives his view more clout than God's word. He says he is a Christian and goes to church regularly, and he says he was born this way. I would just ask him to read God's Word, what God's Word says about the abomination that homosexuality is. Why would he destroy Soddom and Gomorrah for their sin of homosexuality. Reflect on that. Do you think God would give you a gene that would make you in a way that He would condemn and burn you in hell for? I don't care how educated you are, no logical person could come up with an answer any other than this is not the way God made you. Your Clinton Administration, which everybody loves, in the 1990s he commissioned a search to break down the gene code. And he did, after millions of dollars and years of study. They were gonna find and prove to the world what this man is stating. Guess what? They did not find a gay gene. This is a lie that's been manufactured and perpetuated by the homosexual agenda. I'm tired of reading about people who think they are so educated that we have to take their assertions as fact when it is nothing but a bold-faced lie.

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In the Oct. 6 SpeakOut, Gay by nature. First of all, to the gay college educated resident who is a professional, God could care less about your professionalism. You said you were a Christian. The world Christian means Christ-like. In the Bible there are many, many places that gay is not Christ-like. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. You might want to go back and read your Bible on that, Bud.

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Oct. 6 SpeakOut, man says he was born gay. Sir, with all due respect, you weren't born gay - you chose to be gay. We all have the choice. Does God love gay people - yes. But God hates sins. We all have to come to the cross the same. None of us are born Christians either, we choose to be. You said someone didn't have the facts. If you are a professional, nature itself tells you homosexuality is wrong. The Bible tells us it's an abomination for men to lie with animals or men with other men. It doesn't matter what you think. It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what sayeth the Lord. Nobody is judging you. I do have the facts - God judges all of us. What goes around does come around. That's one statement you had right. It's good that you have a college education though!

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